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  • 05/05/2024
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Is Your Storage Unit Over Capacity?

A storage unit is beneficial for a variety of reasons. It can offer you a secure location for your belongings while you go through the moving process, help you declutter your home, act as a base for your business supplies, and much more. Regardless of the reason, choosing the correct size to get the most out of your storage unit is paramount. 

Exceeding your storage unit capacity can create more of a hassle for you. Here, Clifton Rt 46 Self Storage discusses how to determine if your storage unit is over capacity. You'll also find advice on selecting the correct size unit for your belongings.

Signs a Storage Unit Is Reaching Capacity  

Storage units offer a generous amount of space for items you don’t have space for in your home or office. You might be surprised at how quickly space fills up. Before you know it, you’ve reached your storage unit’s capacity.

To determine if your storage unit has maxed out its capacity, look for the following signs:

No More Room

The easiest way to tell if you’ve reached the full capacity of your storage unit is if no other belongings will fit. Don’t try to cram more items into a storage unit already filled to the brim. It not only risks some items getting damaged but can also pose a safety hazard.

Difficulty Locating Items

Storage unit organization is crucial for locating belongings quickly. You should never need to unpack your entire unit to find an item. Keeping items in order becomes increasingly more difficult the closer a unit gets to capacity. If you can’t as easily find what you need as you used to, your storage unit may be at full capacity.

Items Falling Over

Stacking items on top of each other is one of many ways to organize a storage unit. However, this approach is only beneficial when done safely. If you pack a storage unit this way and notice that items are nearly touching the ceiling, you probably reached capacity. Anyone with a storage unit should avoid stacking items this high, as it increases the chances items fall over, potentially causing safety hazards.

Tips for Choosing the Right Size Storage Unit Capacity

One of the most important components of renting a storage unit is finding the right size for your things. Before deciding on a unit size, think about what you intend to store in it. Take a detailed inventory of your belongings and get precise measurements of any furniture or larger items. Count how many boxes you have and make a note of any oddly shaped pieces that need storing.

The inventory list you’ve created will help determine how much storage space you need. You can take it a step further and calculate the square footage of your belongings to select the ideal unit for you. To get the square footage, multiply the length and width of your belongings.

It’s always recommended to choose a storage unit with more space than you currently need. This way, you can safely add more items to your unit.

Find Plenty of Storage Space at Clifton Rt 46 Self Storage

A storage unit provides a central location for storing items and provides peace of mind that they are kept safely and securely. At Clifton Rt 46 Self Storage, we offer storage units of various sizes to residents in Clifton, New Jersey, to accommodate a range of needs. Options include interior and outside drive-up units. Storage units start at 5x5x4 ft. and go to 10x15 ft. for interior units and 10x10 ft. to 20x30 ft. for outside drive-up units.

For added convenience, customers can use our Quikstor app to make payments or view their online accounts. For more information about our facility and available storage unit capacity, contact us today. You can also schedule a site tour with us to see our facility in person.

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